The Journey
Travel with us on the road to carbon neutrality, share our experiences and feel our emotions.
Travel infographics
The Project
COPbyElectricCar is an independent project that relies on Get2C’s expertise and aims to raise public awareness of sustainability, and in particular to alert people to the risks and challenges related to climate change.
COPbyElectricCar will fulfill this ambition by giving the spotlight to electric mobility – which has a decisive role to play in the future of decarbonization – but also by analyzing the impact of our choices and behaviors in everyday life. This project is the kick-off of “Cooler World” and aims to demonstrate the viability of long-distance electric mobility, the real reduction of emissions responsible for global warming, the influence of lifestyles on our carbon footprint and to show that the path to carbon neutrality is possible, necessary and inevitable. The COPbyElectricCar is a demonstration of the path we want to take to achieve a Cooler World. We invite you to travel with us, to walk this path, to share our experiences and feel our emotions.
Day 2
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6 and 7
Day 8 and 9
Day 9
KIA delivers message to United Nations Climate Change Conference - After a 3.741 Kilometre road-trip in an e-Niro
Kia has completed a major 3,741-kilometre road trip in a new all-electric e-Niro crossover, delivering a message to delegates of the 24th United Nations Climate Change Conference (…)
A piece of cork is the symbol of a Portuguese ecological project that arrived today at the 24th Conference of the Parties in Poland
A cork trough is the symbol of the Portuguese project arriving today in Katawice, the Polish city hosting this year’s 24th Conference of the Parties (…)
KIA: Unprecedented journey links Portugal and Poland in a 100% electric car
COP24. This Monday sees the start of an unprecedented and experimental journey in a 100% electric vehicle between Lisbon and the Polish city of Katowice (…)
100% electric vehicle leaves Lisbon for 3000 km adventure
A 100% electric vehicle set off this Monday (3) from Terreiro do Paço in Lisbon for a 3,000-kilometer adventure (…)
Electric Kia travels to Poland to call for decarbonization of transport
Yesterday, the first 100% electric vehicle to make a journey of more than three thousand kilometers set off from Terreiro do Paço (…)
"That'll be 30 euros, please." Putting a price on pollution to encourage change
Imagine: Transport yourself to 2050 and picture yourself sitting on the sofa at the end of a busy day. Take the opportunity to record your day’s environmental footprint in the eco app (…)
COP By Electric Car: From Lisbon to Poland on a streetcar
This week sees the start of an unprecedented and experimental journey in a 100% electric vehicle between Lisbon and the Polish city of Katowice, where the COP24 (…)
100% electric car leaves Lisbon with stops in 7 countries and 13 European cities
Kia’s 100% electric model, e-Niro, will take the message of the importance of the transition (…)
The first 100% electric trip from Lisbon to Poland has already set off
The first trip in a 100% electric vehicle started this Monday, from Terreiro do Paço to the city of Katowice in Poland.
Pedro Barata: "We're still on time to meet the 2ºC target, but we need to pick up the pace
Pedro Barata, an environmentalist and economist, says he is moderately optimistic and sees Katowice as an opportunity to increase climate ambition.
The journey from Lisbon to Madrid takes 11 hours. "But an experienced guy would do half an hour less"
Lisbon, Abrantes, Fundão, Talavera de la Reina, Madrid. An 11-hour journey that began with pomp and circumstance in Terreiro do Paço (…)
100% electric Kia travels from Lisbon to Poland
The experimental trip in a 100% electric vehicle between Lisbon and the Polish city of Katowice (…)
Crossing Europe connected to the current and with a meteorite in mind
What if you were told that “in 2050 a meteorite will crash into the earth and decimate human life”?
Unprecedented journey starts between Portugal and Poland in a 100% electric car
The unprecedented and experimental journey of a 100% electric vehicle between Lisbon and the Polish city of Katowice, where the 24th United Nations Climate Change Summit (COP24) is taking place between December 3 and 14, starts next week.
Mission Katowice
Around Europe in an electric car.
Paris Agreement: The promises countries are taking to the Katowice climate summit
Approved at the end of 2015, in force less than a year later and ratified by 183 countries, the Paris Agreement outlined the path to a sustainable world through drastic changes in the global economy, but without setting binding targets.