Municipal Climate Action Map

  • Municipality with no information available
  • Does not meet any requirements
  • Fulfills 1 requirement
  • Fulfills 2 requirements
  • Fulfills 3 requirements
  • Fulfills 4 requirements
  • Fulfills 5 requirements

Want to plan your municipality’s carbon neutrality?

Does the information on this map need to be updated?

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Grading criteria for each axis

1.Carbon Neutrality Strategy/Roadmap: the plans must aim for carbon neutrality and must necessarily include the Energy, Transport, Waste and AFOLU sectors. This document must also contain quantified measures, as well as an up-to-date municipal GHG inventory, a projection of emissions up to the target year, a financing plan and, finally, a monitoring plan to evaluate the implementation of the roadmap.

2.Energy strategy: The Sustainable Energy Action Plans (PAES) and Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plans (PAESC) defined as part of the municipalities’ adherence to the Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy were taken into account, as well as Municipal Strategies for the Energy Transition not covered by this Covenant. Only documents in force during 2023 were considered.

3. Adaptation plan: the documents must meet all or most of the following requirements: assess the current and future vulnerabilities of the municipality, identify, evaluate and integrate the adaptation options, analyze the climate vulnerability of the identified housing stock, and assess the economic viability of each of the adaptation options.

4. Municipal Climate Action Plan: A document recommended in the Basic Law on Climate, which should incorporate two components, one for mitigating greenhouse gas emissions and the other for adapting to climate change.


The majority of the information was collected through an individual form sent to each municipality on a weekly basis. The deadline for filling in these forms was between November 2, 2023 and December 31, 2023.

The municipalities were also contacted by individual telephone call between December 5, 2023 and December 22, 2023. All the municipalities were contacted effectively – a contact that resulted in the registration of the request to fill in the form – at least once.

For the municipalities from which it was not possible to obtain information directly through the form, public information provided by the municipality through its official sources or publicly available databases was collected.

EXPRESSO | Most municipalities do not comply with the Climate Law

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PÚBLICO | More than half of Portuguese municipalities do not have a Municipal Climate Action Plan

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CNN | Most municipalities don't have a climate plan. A month and a half to go until the deadline

Municipal Climate Action Plans must be submitted by February 2024, in accordance with the Basic Climate Law.

SAPO GREEN SAVERS | More than half of Portuguese municipalities still don't have a Municipal Climate Action Plan

With less than a month to go until the deadline set in the Climate Law for submitting the Municipal Climate Action Plans (PMAC) (…)

SMART CITIES | Only 11 municipalities have created a Roadmap for Carbon Neutrality and more than half have no Climate Plan

By February, all Portuguese municipalities must approve and submit a Municipal Climate Action Plan (PMAC), but (…)

AMBIENTE MAGAZINE | More than half of the municipalities still don't have a Municipal Climate Action Plan

Only 124 of Portugal’s 308 municipalities have a plan that has been finalized or is in the development phase.